Global Soil Week 2012
Global Soil Week 2012 Keynote Speakers: Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun (Center for Development Research ZEF at the University of Bonn), Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias (Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity - UNCBD), Yaya Adisa Olaitan Olaniran (Permanent Representative of Nigeria to FAO and Chair of the FAO Committee on Food Security), Prof. Dr. Rainer Horn (President-Elect of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS and Professor of Soil Physics at the University of Kiel), Madiodio Niasse (Director of the International Land Coaliation Secretariat), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard F. J. Hüttl (Executive Director of the Helmholtz Centre and Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ) and Olivier de Schutter (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food), who spoke via video message at the event. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Global Soil Policy: One of the 8-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Sustainable Land Management: One of the 4-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
During lunch, the Global Soil Week 2012 participants were able to meet and exchange ideas on topics of their choice. The the Marketplace of Ideas was a space for soil-related interactive experiences, art/science exhibits, information booths and movie screenings, among others. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Sustainable Land Management: One of the 4-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Holding actors accountable – Instruments for monitoring and transparency of large-scale land acquisitions and investments? What is in place, what is to be developed? The purpose of this session was to give impetus to initiatives promoting accountability of states and private sector through monitoring and improved transparency of large-scale land acquisitions and investments. Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'An Integrative Perspective on Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Greenbelt Movements, Ethiopia’s Tigray Project: The topsoil continues to be degraded and lost through soil erosion leading to poor harvests, famine and low livestock yields. This situation is exacerbated by climate change. Our generation has the responsibility to protect and preserve this precious commodity. Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'Lessons Learned in Addressing Challenges to Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Voluntary Guidelines on Land Governance: Can they help to minimize and address competition and conflicts for natural resources? Addressing current land governance challenges through voluntary guidelines is, at least at first sight, a paradox. How are we to address the injustices embedded in many tenure systems around the world through a voluntary instrument? Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'Lessons Learned in Addressing Challenges to Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Voluntary Guidelines on Land Governance: Can they help to minimize and address competition and conflicts for natural resources? Addressing current land governance challenges through voluntary guidelines is, at least at first sight, a paradox. How are we to address the injustices embedded in many tenure systems around the world through a voluntary instrument? Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'Lessons Learned in Addressing Challenges to Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Impressions from the foyer of the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Animated discussions at the evening welcome reception for the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.


Global Soil Week 2012
Animated discussions at the evening welcome reception for the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Impressions from the foyer of the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Challenges for Intensifying International Soil Research Cooperation: One of the 4-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Natural Resource Governance: One of the 8-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Challenges for Intensifying International Soil Research Cooperation: One of the 4-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Natural Resource Governance: One of the 8-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Agenda for Action event: In this session Global Soil Week 2012 participants came together to revisit the main results and conclusions reached in the Dynamic Knowledge Panel on the first day, and those reached at the Platform and Dialogue Sessions. The aim was to present the jointly developed conclusions and actions plans for the future. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Agenda for Action event: In this session Global Soil Week 2012 participants came together to revisit the main results and conclusions reached in the Dynamic Knowledge Panel on the first day, and those reached at the Platform and Dialogue Sessions. The aim was to present the jointly developed conclusions and actions plans for the future. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Agenda for Action event: In this session Global Soil Week 2012 participants came together to revisit the main results and conclusions reached in the Dynamic Knowledge Panel on the first day, and those reached at the Platform and Dialogue Sessions. The aim was to present the jointly developed conclusions and actions plans for the future. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Soil information for environmental and societal sustainability is of outmost importance to answer questions of economic, environmental and societal sustainability. The session focused on consistent quality assessed soil data/information and was introduced from a user experience with a presentation by Dr. Bossio from CIAT: “Why do we need soil information?” Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'Lessons Learned in Addressing Challenges to Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Raising soil awareness is one of the cornerstones of the EU Soil Thematic Strategy. Without increased awareness of the importance of soils for human well-being, it will be very difficult to achieve the necessary citizen support, and democratic consensus is a pre-condition for effective soil protection strategies and legislation. Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'Lessons Learned in Addressing Challenges to Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Raising soil awareness is one of the cornerstones of the EU Soil Thematic Strategy. Without increased awareness of the importance of soils for human well-being, it will be very difficult to achieve the necessary citizen support, and democratic consensus is a pre-condition for effective soil protection strategies and legislation. Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'Lessons Learned in Addressing Challenges to Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) have become a popular concept during the last twenty years using an apparently simple rationale: In certain situations, providing economic incentives instead of regulating economic activities would be more effective and efficient in supporting the securing and provision of ecosystem services by rural populations. Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'Lessons Learned in Addressing Challenges to Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Holding actors accountable – Instruments for monitoring and transparency of large-scale land acquisitions and investments? What is in place, what is to be developed? The purpose of this session was to give impetus to initiatives promoting accountability of states and private sector through monitoring and improved transparency of large-scale land acquisitions and investments. Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'An Integrative Perspective on Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Keynote address by Madiodio Niasse (Director of the International Land Coaliation Secretariat) during the second day of the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Video message from Olivier de Schutter (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food) during the second day keynote addresses at the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
The Syndrome Perspective: A Focus on Soil Contamination Trans-disciplinary research and enforcement starts from pressing societal needs and develops its research questions and approaches from there. Some have suggested the so-called “syndrome” perspective as a way to describe particular soil-related challenges to sustainable development. Discussion took place as part of the Platform Sessions about 'An Integrative Perspective on Soils,' during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Global Land and Soil Degradation: One of the 8-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Global Land and Soil Degradation: One of the 8-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Urbanization: Challenges to Soil Management. One of the 8-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
For the “Cook it Green!” event we invited star chef Sarah Wiener, who cooked live together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Töpfer and prepared a soil-smart dinner for our over 300 international guests who participated at the first Global Soil Week. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
The Global Soil Week 2012 dinner and soil-smart cooking event “Cook it Green!” took place at the Heeresbäckerei, Berlin. Soils are fundamental to the production of over 90% of the world’s food. But they are finite and threatened: Every year, 24 billion tons of soil are lost. This is why we ask: How can we cook – how can we eat, without losing the ground under our feet? Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
For the “Cook it Green!” event we invited star chef Sarah Wiener, who cooked live together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Töpfer and prepared a soil-smart dinner for our over 300 international guests who participated at the first Global Soil Week. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
The Global Soil Week 2012 dinner and soil-smart cooking event “Cook it Green!” took place at the Heeresbäckerei, Berlin. Soils are fundamental to the production of over 90% of the world’s food. But they are finite and threatened: Every year, 24 billion tons of soil are lost. This is why we ask: How can we cook – how can we eat, without losing the ground under our feet? Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Keynote address by Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias (Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity - UNCBD) during the Go-public Kick-off event for the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Impressions from the Dynamic Knowledge Panel during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Movie Premiere of „Let‘s Talk About Soil“ at the Go-public Kick-off event for the Global Soil Week 2012. The film was produced by Uli Henrik Streckenbach, freelance Designer and Animator. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Impressions from the Dynamic Knowledge Panel during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Animated discussions at the evening welcome reception for the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Töpfer (Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies - IASS) at the evening welcome reception for the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
As part of the Marketplace of Ideas, a space for soil-related interactive experiences, the set-up of the Global Soil Week 2012 lobby area included a soil survey map of Europe turned into a carpet. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Impressions from the Dynamic Knowledge Panel during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Economics of Land Degradation: A Dialogue between Decision-Takers and Scientists. One of the 4-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012, hosted by Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Two of the Global Soil Week 2012 keynote speakers: Dr. Madiodio Niasse (Director of the International Land Coaliation Secretariat) and Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun (ZEF - Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn). Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
From Deep Down: A Social Sculpture Soil Seminar. One of the 4-hour Dialogue Sessions during the Global Soil Week 2012. Photo by Agentur StandArt.

Global Soil Week 2012
Group shot of the Global Soil Week 2012 participants.Photo by Agentur StandArt.