28-30 November 2016
Nairobi, Kenya

The 2030 Development Agenda
Soil and land resources underpin and support global efforts towards sustainable development

Land Governance
Finding appropriate governance and institutional frameworks to support livelihoods and sustainable soil use
Results and Opinion from GSW’17
Policy Messages, Final Report, HLPF Outcomes and further Comments from the Global Soil Week 2017. What do we need? […]
The responsibility dimension of the SDGs

Achieving sustainable development in all countries of the world represents an unprecedented challenge – and a once in a generation opportunity. In support of the HLPF, we offer a platform for an open, inclusive and participatory review of SDGs that depend on soil quality and the access to land. [...]
The Global Soil Forum: Our thematic priorities

The work of the IASS Global Soil Forum with an international network of partners envisions a world in which soil is sustainably managed and responsibly governed. This is a vision in which functioning ecosystems and the equitable distribution of resources predominate over the current reality of land degradation, enduring poverty and hunger [...]
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Facts and Figures about earth land and fields.
Depicting the significance and the state of land, soil and agriculture in Germany, Europe and the rest of the world.
Illustrating why we should fight for a just and sustainable soil and land policy.