Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Day 4: Visions for the future – an integrated perspective beyond 2015
GDI – German Development Institute (Germany)
IASS – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (Germany)
IDDRI – Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (France)
SEI – Stockholm Environment Institute (Sweden)
Presentations by
Sara Scherr (3 MB)
Sirajul Islam (5 MB)
To provide a “safe and just space for humanity”, we need to move beyond governance con-cepts emphasizing efficiency under the assumption that resources can keep up with growing demands. Furthermore, we need to strengthen governance mechanisms that account for the complex interdependencies which constitute the social-ecological systems on which we rely on. Current attempts for sustainability governance, such as the ongoing process to set universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), tend to neglect these interdependencies. In the course of implementation, this neglect could lead to increased resource competition or even conflicts. The nexus heuristic offers ways to address these interdependencies. This session explores current experiences on working with the nexus heuristic across disciplines. To do so, we open the floor to a diversity of lessons learned both from theory and practice as well as spanning across a range of themes including water management, soil conservation, food security and energy security. Based on this exchange of expertise the session will embark on a transdisci-plinary consultation on how our participants’ experiences, ideas and concerns could feed into a collaborative effort vis-à-vis the challenges we are facing in the context of the Post-2015 Agenda.
Download the session description here.
Contact: Oscar Schmidt