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25 May 2015
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No Waste Picnic
Build a solar oven, Action painting
Enak Enak/ Ciska Jansen
Marcela Moraga, Valentina Karga, and musical guests tba.
Approximately 40% of food harvested from soils throughout the world rots before it reaches a market or is thrown away by consumers, food companies, or restaurants. Reducing food waste is active soil protection, is beneficial for people and the environment.
A picnic, a collaborative action draws attention to food waste. To make transformation happen, we must work together. Gathering, preparing and eating food are the collective acts of the No-waste Picnic. Those who wish to take part are encouraged to make use of the otherwise wasted food from our refrigerators and pantries, grocery stores and markets. A crew of international cooks and volunteers prepare the food together, in organized and ad-hoc international cooking seminars. The results of everyone’s labor will be shared.
Although the number of cooking participants is limited, everyone is invited to join in the picnic. Please bring a picnic blanket. Please think ecologically, and bring your own plate or bowl, utensils, and a cup. Tea and water will be provided. Acts of creativity and compassion are welcomed.
For more information please visit www.ein-hektar.de/en.