African Soil Seminar
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries, Kenya |
Ministry of Agricultre and Natural Resources, Ethiopia |
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Benin |
New Partnership for Africa’s Development |
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Water resources of Burkina Faso |
Facilitating Partners
Groupe de Recherche et d’Action sur le Foncier, Burkina Faso |
World Agroforestry Centre |
Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network |
NANHRI – Network of African National Human Rights Institution |
TMG – Töpfer Müller Gaßner GmbH |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH |
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. |
Global Soil Week |
Supported by
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany