Thursday, 23 April 2015
Day 5: Deepen the discussion – Open Space Sessions
IINAS – International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy (Germany)
Presentations by
Ulrike Eppler (1 MB)
Stephanie Wunder (1 MB)
Please download the Rapporteurs’ Report for this session here.
This Open Space Session is meant to bring together those interested in the links of land and soil to the upcoming 2016 UN HABITAT III conference, and to seek partners in preparing inputs. Views, and ideas as well as information on ongoing or planned activities will be collected and later disseminated through e-mail, a newsletter and websites. The GLOBALANDS project team will use the outcome of the event to prepare an “issue paper” on sustainable land use, soils, and human settlements as a future input into the HABITAT III preparatory process.
Session methodology: Brainstorming session (no fixed schedule)
Introduction by: Uwe Fritsche, IINAS (Germany)
Download the session description here.
Contact: Katleen de Flander