Thursday, 23 April 2015
Day 5: Deepen the discussion – Open Space Sessions
DRYRES – Consultants for drylands research and drylands resilience (Germany)
ISD – Institute for Sustainable Development / BPA – Best Practice Association (Ethiopia)
Presentations by
Hailu Araya Tedla (2 MB)
Hartmann (1 MB)
Please download the Rapporteurs’ Report for this session here.
The session focuses on the need for multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder approaches to link soil resilience with food security, equity and overall development issues. Three examples will illustrate this:
- A multi-functional approach to agriculture within the traditional terra cing system of the Konso, which has been declared a UNESCO world heritage,
- the claim of different agricultural knowledge systems like “traditional”, “organic”, “conventional” agriculture to provide the only solution to global food security in contrast to more integrative approaches
- the recent initiative to harmonize development issues with combating desertification through the establishment of a “resilient mosaic landscape” through the Great Green Wall along the Sahara.
To ensure that the audience really becomes an active part of the debate, the session will end with a simulation game, which is based on the paradigm that all action has an impact on soils, and soils have an impact on human-well being. Participants are invited to take over different roles within this game, such as pastoralists and farmers, policy makers, environmental activists, seed corporations etc.
Dr.Ingrid Hartmann, DRYRES (Germany)
Dr Hailu Araya, ISD/ BPA (Ethiopia)
Download the session description here.
Contact: Thando Tilmann