Thursday, 23 April 2015
Day 5: Deepen the discussion – Open Space Sessions
JRC – European Commission – Joint Research Centre (Italy)
Please download the Rapporteurs’ Report for this session here.
The discussions in this session aim to update information in the European Soil Database of mainly Central European countries. A specific example of the Finnish field-work approach to up updating information on agricultural soils will be presented as well. This update will contribute to the second edition of the Soil Atlas of Europe. This session is also open to institutions or researchers from other parts of Europe that are planning on updating their data in the European database. The work on the second Soil Atlas of Europe has started and this session will contribute towards updating maps for the new Atlas.
You may also be interested in the following Lunch Break Forum (LBF) contributions:
–> LBF-20: Wageningen Soil Network
–> LBF-25: Soil data: Modelling and good datasets in landscape planning for ecosystem services
Download the session description here.
Contact: Anne Flohr