Please download the Rapporteurs’ Report for this session here.

The SDGs will probably include the objective of a “land-degradation neutral world”. States will be responsible for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at national level. Three types of measures are basically required: reduction of future land degradation, rehabilitation/restoration and legal based planning instruments. The objective of this 2-hour session is fourfold:

  • to inform about and discuss the outcomes of the legal study by the Ecologic Institute on suitable legal instruments that already exist in three selected national legislative frameworks (EU/Germany, US, Brazil) and of an international legal expert workshop in December 2014;
  • to identify and analyse further conceptual approaches as well as existing regulatory gaps and shortcomings;
  • to deepen the law and policy debate, particularly by involving experts from developing countries;
  • to strengthen and broaden the already established network of legal experts on soil/land governance.

The law and policy discussion on legal means for the implementation at national level of the objective of a “land-degradation neutral world” should be deepened in an interactive and interdisciplinary process. Questions for future research should be identified. Experts and stakeholders from developing countries are particularly invited to attend the session.

Download the session description here.


Contact: Ilka Mai