Monday, 20 April 2015
Day 2: Soils in the goals and targets of the new sustainable development agenda
IASS – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (Germany)
ANCB – The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory (Germany)
Presentations by
Katleen De Flander (7 MB)
Pushpa Arabindoo (15 MB)
Carolina Chica Builes (3 MB)
AbdouMaliq Simone (8 MB)
Please download the Rapporteurs’ Report for this session here.
This session was open to a wider public next to the conference participants.
This session is the first in a series of critical dialogues, which the IASS is initiating and facilitating on the practicalities of implementing the new urban agenda – and its possible constraints – in the political context of Habitat III (UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, 2016). Each of these public dialogues addresses a topic of central importance to Habitat III from 1) an unconventional angle and 2) an ‘on the ground’ perspective. The series aims to not only involve ‘the usual suspects’ but particularly brings different expertise into the debate.
Dialogue.01: overriding the urban / non-urban divide
This first dialogue takes an unconventional angle by addressing new approaches that transcend the urban age discussion (e.g. 50% live in cities) and break with the idea of the bounded city in which the urban and the non-urban are opposed and spaces are classified, according to their form, on the urban-rural continuum. What if, as Brenner and Schmid’s critical urban theory on planetary urbanisation suggests, the putative non-urban is internalised in the theory of urbanization and we no longer talk about form but about processes of concentrated and extended urbanisation? What does this shift mean when we address resource flows, food security and inequality issues? The practical perspectives from Chennai, Bogota and Jakarta ground the debate in reality and form the basis of a critical discussion on the ‘New Urban Agenda’ and its ‘Urban-Rural Linkages’.
You may also be interested in the following Lunch Break Forum (LBF) contributions:
–> LBF-12: Terra preta in our gardens!
–> LBF-13: “BodenWertSchätzen” Award, Appreciating soil in transforming cities
Download the session description here.
Contact: Katleen De Flander