Monday, 20 April 2015
Day 2: Soils in the goals and targets of the new sustainable development agenda
JRC – European Commission – Joint Research Centre (Italy)
IASS – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (Germany)
Presentations by
Mette Wilkie (2 MB)
Helaina IJ Black (3 MB)
Jos Brils (2 MB)
Markus Salomon (2 MB)
Thomas Greiber (1 MB)
Please download the Rapporteurs’ Report for this session here.
Half the world’s population lives within 60 km of the sea; three-quarters of all large cities are located on the coast. At the same time, everyone depends on land and soil functions. Harnessing the potential of our land and seas to create equitable economic development that preserves our natural resources is one of the key challenges for global sustainability.
Unsustainable and unsustainable land-use practices lead not only to soil degradation, but also affect other natural resources, such as the coastal and marine environment. In turn, sustainable management of the coastal/marine environment can offer solutions for threats to land/soils. Therefore, sustainable management of the soils-seas nexus can help to reduce trade-offs and lead to reciprocal benefits.
Building on available experience, this session aims to explore the manifold interrelations between both resources in the nexus, but also linkages in other areas of societal concern such as food security and the and preservation of biodiversity.
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the IASS and the H2020 INSPIRATION project are jointly organising a scoping workshop that will serve as a platform to:
- discuss trends and status of soils and seas in the nexus,
- learn from present experiences in addressing the complex interactions between both systems
- reflect upon existing opportunities (shared societal challenges), identify knowledge gaps and consider current policy, legal and economic instruments, both within the EU and at an international level
- bring together stakeholders from both fields to brainstorm on possible ways forward.
You may also be interested in the following Lunch Break Forum (LBF) contributions:
–> LBF-03: LandSichten (Land inSights)
–> LBF-04: How to brand soils?
–> LBF-25: Soil data: Modelling and good datasets in landscape planning
Download the session description here.
Contact: Thomas Greiber