Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Day 4: Visions for the future – an integrated perspective beyond 2015
INERIS – Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques (France)
JRC – European Commission – Joint Research Centre (Italy)
OVAM – Public Waste Agency Flanders (Belgium)
UBA – Umweltbundesamt (Deutschland) – Federal Environment Agency (Germany)
Wageningen University (The Netherlands)
Presentations by
Carre & Newton (2 MB)
Julien Caudeville (1 MB)
Ricardo Barra (2 MB)
120 second summary video
Please download the Rapporteurs’ Report here.
The objective of this session is to exchange on soil contamination caused by point and diffuse pollution as a mean to contribute to the “Zero net Land degradation” sustainable development goal for Rio+20″, including food security for the year 2030.
In this interactive session, stakeholders from different sectors originated all over the globe will
- raise potential environmental and health issues due to soil contamination caused by point and diffuse pollution a
- identify sustainable remediation or mitigation strategies.
- will elaborate recommendations for priority areas, monitoring and research requirements, methodological development, best practices and policy measures.
Participants are strongly encouraged to contribute with their perspectives of the actual situation and visions for sustainable solutions and policy requirements. In a joined effort we will produce a plan for action with respect to soil contamination, focusing on requirements for monitoring, research, measures and policies.
You may also be interested in the following Lunch Break Forum (LBF) contributions:
–> LBF-20: Wageningen Soil Network
–> LBF-22: Get in touch with Soil – Action platform for soil protection
Download the session description here.
Contact: Wakene Chewaka