Please download the Rapporteurs’ Report here.

Land and soil rehabilitation is gaining momentum as a solution to the pressing challenge of food insecurity. The availability of finance and investments for land rehabilitation, sustainable land management (SLM) and climate-smart agriculture are vital than ever, particularly for countries where food insecurity and economic prospects are closely linked to the productivity and health of their Soils. Yet to date, insufficient and inefficient financing is hampering the broad adoption of soil rehabilitation at a scale and investment magnitude necessary to feed today’s population and future generations.

Thus, we need to take a closer look at the instruments available for public and private finance and assess whether they are fit for purpose when it comes to the financial architecture of global development cooperation and the needs of the private sector and investors. The current buzzwords are diversification of financial sources, emphasis on domestic resource mobilisation, inclusion of private investment and capitalising on offset mechanisms and carbon markets. But will they do the trick?

What role should different types of finance iplay inaddressing key drivers of soil degradation more effectively? What are the prospects for private investment in sustainable land management in food-insecure countries? Which mechanisms, instruments and “non-traditional” sources of finance can show us the way forward, and to what situations are they best suited?

This 4-hour session will provide the space for an in-depth and participatory discussion to analyse experiences and explore new ways of making investment in soil rehabilitation work to achieve global goals and in food-insecure countries.

You may also be interested in the following Lunch Break Forum (LBF) contributions:
–> LBF-08: Scaling-up of best SLM practices in Ethiopia´s highlands
–> LBF-01: The LIFE programme, over 20 years of fostering soil protection in the EU

Download the session description here.


Contact: Anne Flohr