Opening Plenary: Soil. The Substance of Transformation.
2.9 Celebrating the International Year of Soils at the Global Soil Week: Healthy soils for a healthy life
Guest Blog by George Monbiot: Ploughing On Regardless

Almost all other issues are superficial by comparison to soil loss. So why don’t we talk about it?
By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 25 March 2015
European Soil Protection Initiative: Jes Weigelt Appointed Chair of the European Soil Partnership

Soils are the basis for our food, a habitat for countless organisms and a prerequisite for biodiversity. As a carbon sink, they also play an important role in the global climate. These vital global functions necessitate soil protection that transcends…
Guest Blog by Zimbabweland: Policy options for African soils: learning lessons for future action

Everyone is agreed that one of the central components of achieving an ‘African Green Revolution’ is to tackle the widespread soil fertility constraints in African agriculture. To this end, AGRA – the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa –…
Guest Blog by Zimbabweland: Why an integrated approach to soil management is essential

Debates on soils and their management have too often been unnecessarily polarised between promoters of ‘organic’, ‘sustainable’ or ‘agroecological’ agriculture and those who argue that only large supplies of mineral fertiliser are the answer. These are often pitched in ideological…
Guest Blog by CIAT: Land management matters: Malawian communities create maps to find answers

In Malawi, worry creases farmers’ faces as they explain that their maize crop may fail this year. Planting was done on time, but in January intense rainfall and flooding swept away much of the fields, soil and seeds alike. Our…
Radio Bielefeld: Bodenschutz: “fruchtbarer Boden ist endlich und unendlich kostbar!”
2 March 2015
Are the Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable?

2015 is going to be a pivotal year for sustainable development: a global climate agreement is due to be negotiated in Paris in December; under Germany’s presidency, the G7 Summit in June will address sustainable economic growth; and the 193…