February 2017: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Potsdam have produced a guide and animated film that offer “strategic guidance and inspiration” for the responsible governance of tenure of…
Governing tenure rights to commons responsibly: 12 strategies and illustrative cases from practice

New Guide and Animation Film offers strategic guidance and inspiration on how to secure tenure rights to commons based on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests Did you know that millions of…
AfSS2016: Soil Restoration for Achieving the 2063 and 2030 Agendas in Africa – Linking Global Ambitions to Local Needs

What happens when you bring small-scale farmers, soil scientists, land rights and gender equality activists, academics, policy-makers and environmental stewards together in one space? Well, as the Global Soil Week has proven time and again, a beautiful exchange of knowledge…
Soil Rehabilitation: A Field Mission to Kenya – Memories of a student assistant

By Fanny Saß I made my trip to Kenya in the middle of November 2015, not too sure what to expect of Kenyan culture. Flying into Kisumu, a city located on the shores of Lake Victoria, you can’t help but…
Targeting the Needs of Farmers in Western Kenya

Early March is the end of one of two dry seasons in western Kenya. Farmers get up early to beat the heat to prepare the hard and dry soils for the coming rains and the next planting season. This region…
The UN’s most inclusive body at a crossroads

Authors Matheus Zanella and Jessica Duncan comment on the change direction at the recent UN Committee on Food Security (CFS) meeting. Has the organization once at the vanguard of inclusiveness lost its ambition?
Tutzing Conference: Soils, Food Security, and Sustainable Land Management
The Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, in cooperation with Biovision – Foundation for Ecological Development, Zurich (CH), the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Dessau-Roßlau (D), the Global Soil Forum – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam (D), and the Millenium Institute, Washington DC (USA) hosts the three day event which will focus on the possible means of implementation for the SDGs, including the enabling environment, related to soils and sustainable land management at all levels of governance. Monitoring, accountability, and reporting of the sustainable use of soils and land management will be addressed.