The IASS is pleased to announce that the next Global Soil Week will be held from Sunday the 19th of April 2015 until Thursday the 23rd of April 2015 in Berlin, Germany.
The Global Soil Week 2015 has been scheduled to coincide with the United Nations International Year of Soils. Our program will aim to place soils in two relevant international debates, the negotiation of the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the nexus discourse to achieve water, food and energy security (WEF Nexus).
The Global Soil Week is open to everyone with an interest in the sustainable management of soils and issues of land governance. We will open the invitation for dialogue session proposals at the end of June 2014. Further information will be available shortly on our website.
Thando Tilmann
Global Soil Forum
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
Phone: +49 331 28822-317