This September, the international community will meet in New York to develop a new set of goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They will replace the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that expire this year. As long-term trends such as…
Call for the Young Professionals Programme at the GSW 2015
Apply until 08 March 2015! Call for the Young Professionals Programme at the Global Soil Week 2015 at the International Conference: Global Soil Week 2015 (18.04.-23.04.2015) in Berlin, Germany The United Nations declaration of the International Year of Soils in…
BodenWertSchätzen – Wettbewerb zum Schutz des Bodens
Der Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (RNE) veranstaltet gemeinsam mit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) im Internationalen Jahr des Bodens 2015 den Wettbewerb „BodenWertSchätzen“, in dem innovative Ansätze und Praxisbeispiele zur Förderung eines nachhaltigen Umgangs mit Boden ausge-zeichnet werden. Weiterführende Informationen…
Tackling the Social and Economic Drivers of Land Degradation: Workshop in Malawi
Almost two thirds (65 per cent) of Africa´s cropland is affected by severe land degradation. Sustainable land management (SLM) is seen as the best way to combat and even reverse land degradation. In Malawi, where the majority of the population…
Secure Land Rights in the Post-2015 Agenda: IASS and Partners Publish Recommendations
The UN negotiations on new global Sustainable Development Goals got under way on Monday in New York. The fight against hunger and extreme poverty and the protection of the environment and biodiversity are among the main issues on the agenda….
Choice Architecture in Urban Space
by Katleen De Flander January 16, 2015 The German Climate Action Goal for 2050 foresees an 80 to 95 per cent reduction in greenhouse gases compared to 1990. If we are to take this goal seriously, I believe there are…
Pressure Points as Leverages for Urban Transformation
by Katleen De Flander January 16, 2015 Some weeks ago, I had the chance to invite a small group of urban experts (from local governments, city networks, urban strategists, non-profit agencies and academia) to the IASS to discuss a working paper…
IASS Side Event in Lima Casts Light on Sustainable Production and Use of Biomass
Many countries regard bio-energy as an important element of sustainable energy production and climate change mitigation. This kind of energy is produced from agricultural products and wastes, domestic and industrial waste, and from organic materials such as rapeseed and sunflowers,…
Current Environmental Strategies and Why They Don’t Work
A look at the most common current approaches to tackle environmental problems and why they are not leading to transformation from IASS researcher Katleen de Flander
The Global Fight against Soil Loss: IASS and Partners Launch the International Year of Soils
IASS Global Soil Forum Franziska Linz reports on the discussions at the German opening event of the International Year of Soils.