Why are soil resources vital for sustainable development?
Why are soil resources vital for sustainable development?
What are main drivers of soil degradation?
What are main drivers of soil degradation?
What are the main impacts of soil degradation?
What are the main impacts of soil degradation?
Which are competing demands on soils?
Which are competing demands on soils?
How to balance competing demands on soils?
How to balance competing demands on soils?
What are the biggest obstacles to SSM that benefits people & the environment?
What are the biggest obstacles to SSM that benefits people & the environment?
What are strategies to overcome these obstacles?
What are strategies to overcome these obstacles?
Your recommendation(s) to support SSM in our everyday life?
Your recommendation(s) to support SSM in our everyday life?


“90 seconds for soils” is a series of interviews with several participants of the Global Soil Week 2012. These key stakeholders were asked crucial soil-related questions to communicate main messages on sustainable land and soil management.