Global Soil Week
Article: Beckh, C., Linz, F., Weigelt, J., Müller, A. (2015): Boden – Stoff des Wandels. Der Beitrag der Global Soil Week. In: Gerd Wessolek (Hrsg.): Von ganz unten: Warum wir unsere Böden besser schützen müssen. München: Oekom, S. 29-36.
Article: First Global Soil Week Will Urge Stakeholders To Take Actions For Soils: They Are Crucial For Life! (2012) Müller, A. and Weigelt, J.
IASS Working Paper: Pathways towards Sustainable Soil and Land Governance: Discussing the Contribution of the Global Soil Week. (2013); Weigelt, J., Müller, A., Beckh, C., Srigiri, S. R., Töpfer, K. :
Please find more reports: GSW 2012, GSW 2013 and GSW 2015
Food Security and Soils
Article: Discussion: Food security and sustainable food systems: The role of soil (2015) Zanella, M.A., Rahmanian, M., Perch, L.N., Callenius, C., Rubio, J. L, Vuningoma, F., Rist, S., Mapfumo, P., International Soil and Water Conservation Research.
Soil Atlas / Bodenatlas 2015
Chemnitz, C., Weigelt, J. (Eds.) (2015): Soil Atlas. Facts and figures about earth, land and fields, Berlin, Potsdam : Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), 66 p.
Chemnitz, C., Weigelt, J. (Eds.) (2015): Bodenatlas. Daten und Fakten über Acker, Land und Erde, Berlin, Potsdam : Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), 49 p.
Chemnitz, C., Weigelt, J. (Eds.) (2016): L’Atlas du Sol, Berlin, Potsdam : Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), 66 p.
Article: Scientists’ situated knowledge: Strong objectivity in transdisciplinarity (2014) Rosendahl, J., Zanella, M. A., Rist, S., Weigelt, J., Futures
Soils in the Nexus
Special Issue: Soils in the Nexus. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 15 (2015) Weigelt, J.; Janetschek, H., Müller, A. und Töpfer, K.
Article: Tackling biomass scarcity — from vicious to virtuous cycles in sub-Saharan Africa (2015) Karlberg, L., Hoff, H., Flores-López, F., Goetz, A., Matuschke, I.
Article: Thinking outside the plot: addressing low adoption of sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa (2015) Cordingley, J. E, Snyder, K. A, Rosendahl, J., Kizito, F., Bossio, D.
Article: Putting soils on the agenda: the three Rio Conventions and the post-2015 development agenda (2015) Montanarella, L., Lobos Alva, I.
Article: Towards a governance heuristic for sustainable development (2015) Müller, A., Janetschek, H., Weigelt, J.
Article: Land and soil governance towards a transformational post-2015 Development Agenda: an overview (2015) Weigelt, J., Müller, A., Janetschek, H., Töpfer, K.
Article: Land and soil governance towards a transformational post-2015 Development Agenda: an overview (2015) Weigelt, J., Müller, A., Janetschek, H., Töpfer, K., Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Book: Soils in the Nexus A Crucial Resource for Water, Energy and Food Security (2014) Weigelt, J., Müller, A., Beckh., C., Töpfer, K. (Eds.)
Soil Science: Carbon Management
IASS Book: Ecosystem Services and Carbon Sequestration in the Biosphere (2013) Lal, R., Lorenz, K., Hüttl, R.F., Schneider, B.U., von Braun, J.
Article: Soil Security: Solving the Global Soil Crisis (2013) Koch, A., McBratney, A., Mark Adams, M., Field, D., Hill, R., Crawford, J., Minasny, B., Lal, R., Abbott, L, O’Donnell, A., Angers, D., Baldock, J., Barbier, E., Binkley, D., Parton, W., Wall, D.H., Bird, M., Bouma, J., Chenu, C., Butler Flora, C., Goulding, K., Grunwald, S., Hempel, J., Jastrow, J., Lehmann, J., Lorenz, K., Morgan, C.L., Rice, C.W., Whitehead, D., Young, I., Zimmermann, M.
IASS Book: Recarbonization of the Biosphere: Ecosystems and the Global Carbon Cycle (2012) Lal, R., Lorenz, K., Hüttl, R.F., Schneider, B.U., von Braun, J., (Eds.)
Sustainable Development Goals
IISD Guest Article: Piloting Global Thematic Reviews of the SDGs: The Case of Natural Resources (2016) Müller, A., Töpfer, K., Lobos Alva, I., Weigelt, J.
IASS Working Paper: The Role of Biomass in the Sustainable Development Goals: A Reality Check and Governance Implications (2015) Müller, A., Weigelt, J., Götz, A., Schmidt, O., Lobos Alva, I., Matuschke, I., Ehling, U., Beringer, T.
Report: Land and soils in the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Goals. Guatemala Case Study (2013) Ivonne Lobos Alva. (Also available in Spanish Language)
Article: Governance for a Land Degradation Neutral World (2013) Müller, A. and Weigelt, J.
Article: Let’s put soils on the global sustainable development agenda (2013) Lobos Alva, I., Rural21. The International Journal for Rural Development
Policy Brief: SOILS AND LAND IN THE SDGs AND THE POST-2015 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA. A proposal for a goal to achieve a Land Degradation Neutral World in the context of sustainable development. (2013) Ehlers, K., Lobos Alva, I., Montanarella, L., Müller, A., Weigelt, J., Adholeya, A., Bossio, D., Louwagie, G., Rokitzki, M., Safriel, U., Seely, M., Sietchiping, R., Zelaya, S.
Discussion paper: Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Essential Criteria (2012) IASS
Land Governance
Article: Beckh, C., Gärtner, E., Windfuhr, M., Munro-Faure, P., Weigelt, J., Müller, A. (2015): Taking stock after three years of adoption: Experiences and strategies for implementation and monitoring of the UN Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure (VGGT). International Soil and Water Conservation Research.
Article: Governing the transformation of soils must urgently be improved (2013) Töpfer, K., Müller, A., Weigelt, J., Rural21. The International Journal for Rural Development
Case Study: Pro-poor Resource Governance under Changing Climates. Addressing vulnerabilities in rural Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ecuador and India. (2015) Zanella, M. A., Rosendahl, J., Weigelt, J. (Eds.) (Also available in French and Spanish). IASS/ IFAD executive summary available here .
Article: Transformatives Wissen für die Post-2015-Agenda: Reflexionen zur nachhaltigen Bodenpolitik (2015) Weigelt, J., GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
Sustainable Land Management
IASS Working Paper: Rapport des Ateliers – Expériences en Gestion Durable des Terres au BÉNIN: quelles leçons tirer pour les orientations futures? (2016), Check Abdel Kader Baba, Larissa Stiem, Patrick Lanouette et al.
IASS Working Paper: Rapport de synthèse – La Gestion Durable des Terres : Analyse d’expériences de projets de développement agricole au BÈNIN (2017), S. Claude-Gervais Assogba, Édouard Akpinfa, Gérard Gouwakinnou, Larissa Stiem et al.
IASS Working Paper: Rapport des Ateliers – Expériences en Gestion Durable des Terres au BURKINA FASO: quelles leçons tirer pour les orientations futures ? (2016), Paul Kleene, Saydou Koudougou, Patrick Lanouette, Larissa Stiem, Dofini Damou Taminy et al.
IASS Working Paper: Rapport de synthèse – La Gestion Durable des Terres au BURKINA FASO: une Analyse d’expériences de projets dans le Houet, le Tuy et le Ioba (2017), Saydou Koudougou, Larissa Stiem et al.
IASS Working Paper: Workshop Report – Sustainable Land Management in Western KENYA – Lessons Learnt and Future Directions (2016), Dr. Serah Kiragu, Dr. Anne Flohr
Transforming Cities
IASS Publication: De Flander, K., Ayala-Cortés, J. (Eds.) (2015): LAB2: Different Urbanisations. Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’. Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).
Article: De Flander, K. (2015): Closed Cycles – Open City. – In: Johnson, G., Toly, N. and Schroeder, H. (Eds.). The Urban Climate Challenge. Rethinking the Role of Cities in the Global Climate Regime. Taylor & Francis.
Article: De Flander, K. (2014): Operationalizing holistic urban concepts. – Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.
Article: De Flander, K., Hahne, U., Kegler, H., Lang, D., Lucas, R., Schneidewind, U., Simon, K.-H., Singer-Brodowski, M., Wanner, M., Wiek, A. (2014): Resilienz und Reallabore als Schlüsselkonzepte urbaner Transformationsforschung. Zwölf Thesen. – GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 23, 3, p. 284-286.
Book Chapter: De Flander, K. (2013): Resource-Centered Cities and the Opportunity of Shrinkage. – In: Khare, A., Beckman, T. (Eds.), Mitigating Climate Change. The Emerging Face of Modern Cities, Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, p. 45-57.
Issue Paper
Economics of Land Degradation (2012)
Soils in the Global Cycle (2012)
Biodiversity (2012)
Marmo Resource-Efficiency (2012)
Global-Land-and-Soil-Degradation (2012)
Soil-and-Water (2012)
Soil Land Governance (2012)
Fact sheets
Soil sealing (2013)
Soil contamination (2012)
Fertile soils (2013)