H.E. Macharia Kamau speaks about the importance of getting a good start to the implementation of the 2015 development agenda and the role of cross-cutting role of natural resources, soil and land in the SDGs
Global Soil Week 2015. Soil the Substance of Transformation
Global Soil Week 2015: Session summaries
SWR2 Impuls: Gutes Vorbild: Bodenschutz in Äthiopien
28 April 2015
NDR Info: Die Ressource Bodenschutz: Neue Erkenntnisse
24 April 2015
Radio Bielefeld: Bodenschutz: “fruchtbarer Boden ist endlich und unendlich kostbar!”
2 March 2015
ZDF heute: Bodenatlas 2015
8 January 2015
taz: Sachkunde
3 January 2015
Deutschlandfunk: Internationales Jahr der Böden
5 December 2014
让我们来谈谈土壤 Let’s Talk About Soil
The Chinese Version of the animation film Let’s talk about Soil, has been released on the 2015 International Year of Soils. It emphasizes human dependence on soils and explores how sustainable development is threatened by trends of soil management and…