The animation film, released at the Global Soil Week 2015 is now available in Portuguese language, in addition to English, German, French, and Spanish. Fertile soil forms the foundation of our modern societies. Although we should be doing everything…
Tierra y suelos en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Rio+20 Estudio de caso Guatemala
Resumen Los recursos suelo y tierra muy probablemente formarán parte de la serie final de Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), como ODS individual o como una meta en un objetivo para seguridad alimentaria y agricultura sostenible o para la protección…
Land and soils in the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Goals Guatemala Case Study
Abstract: Soil and land resources will very likely form part of the final set of Rio+20 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as an individual SDG or as a target under a goal for food security and sustainable agriculture, which has…