The Global Soil Week’s award winning animated movie “Let’s talk about soil” is being translated into yet another language. After already being available in English, Spanish, German, French, Turkish and Arabic, we are proud to add a brand-new Italian version as well.

The Italian version of “Let’s talk about soil” is launched today, 13 May 2014, at the Italian Parliament, Camera dei Deputati. The film will open the conference on the introduction of a soil protection law. On this occasion 30 Italian scientific societies – covering the entire spectrum of agriculture, forestry and food – present their proposal for a soil framework law on “soil protection and soil sustainable management” to Italian policy makers.

“Let’s talk about soil” draws attention to soil’s vital importance to our future and describes how our current use of soil is threatening sustainable development. More than 24 Million tons of fertile soils are being degraded every year, a shocking trend considering it takes over 500 years for 2 cm of fertile topsoil to form anew.  At the same time agricultural land is becoming ever more essential. By 2050 an estimated 9 billion people will depend on this crucial resource for food security.

“Let’s talk about soil” was produced by the designer and animator Uli Henrik Streckenback for the First Global Soil Week in 2012.


Elisa Gärtner
Global Soil Forum
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)

Phone: +49 331 28822-318