1.7 Dialogue Session – Economics of land degradation – how to integrate economic arguments into decision making processes? (part I)
1.6 Dialogue Session – Joint ITPS-SPI meeting at the occasion of the Global Soil Week 2015: land degradation neutrality and its contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation
1.5 Dialogue Session – Soils and seas in the nexus: linking sustainable land management and the coastal and marine environments
1.4 Dialogue Session – Mitigation and adaptation to climate change through sustainable land management. Global and national perspectives on challenges and opportunities
1.3 Dialogue Session – The new urban agenda ‘on the ground’ – overriding the urban / non-urban divide
3.7 Dialogue Session – Nexus governance Post-2015: towards collaborative implementation
1.1 Dialogue Session – Food security and sustainable food systems: the role of soils
Tackling the Social and Economic Drivers of Land Degradation: Workshop in Malawi

Almost two thirds (65 per cent) of Africa´s cropland is affected by severe land degradation. Sustainable land management (SLM) is seen as the best way to combat and even reverse land degradation. In Malawi, where the majority of the population…
Secure Land Rights in the Post-2015 Agenda: IASS and Partners Publish Recommendations

The UN negotiations on new global Sustainable Development Goals got under way on Monday in New York. The fight against hunger and extreme poverty and the protection of the environment and biodiversity are among the main issues on the agenda….